martes, 5 de julio de 2016


Method, strategy and technique.

Translation Method
Translation Strategy
Translation Technique

Way a particular translation process is carried out in terms of the translator’s objective.

There are several translation methods that may be chosen There are several translation methods that may be chosen, depending on the aim of translation techniques revisited.

The translation method affects the way micro-units of the text are translated:
The translation techniques.

Strategies are the procedures (conscious or unconscious, verbal or nonverbal) used by the translator to solve problems that emerge when carrying out the translation process with a particular objective in mind (Hurtado Albir 1996, 1999).

Translators use strategies for comprehension.

Strategies open the way to finding a suitable solution for a translation unit.

Strategies are part of the process.
1. They affect the result of the translation.
2. They are classified by comparison with the original.
3. They affect micro-units of text.
4. They are by nature discursive and contextual
5. They are functional.


- Direct Translation o Techniques: Borrowing, Calque, Literal translation.

- Oblique Translation.

Some mechanisms may function both as strategies and as techniques.

Andrea de los Angeles Escobar Coral

By: Paula González

Translation method refers to the way a particular translation process is carried out. In terms of the translator’s objective, i.e., a global option that affects the whole text.
There are several translation methods that may be chosen, depending on the aim
of translation techniques revisited 507 508 Meta, XLVII, 4, 2002 the translation:
interpretative-communicative (translation of the sense), literal (linguistic Trans
codification), free (modification of semiotic and communicative categories) and
philological (academic or critical translation).
When trying to discuss about translation techniques, it is necessary to consider
that there exist different types of them. One of the first types to be considered is called the direct translation techniques and a second one is called the oblique
translation technique.
Strategies open the way to finding a suitable solution for a translation unit. The
solution will be materialized by using a particular technique. Therefore, strategies and techniques occupy different places in problem solving: strategies are part ofthe process, techniques affect the result.

By: Catalina Arenas

*      It is how the procedures are selected and applied by the translator adhered to a systematic plan. Among the methods you can choose the translator are: the interpretation, literal or philological free.

*      It is the logical sequence of procedures and consistent steps to achieving a goal.

*      The method is an organized and systematic structure that allows combining a series of consistent actions to the development of a project
*      The strategy refers to the procedures as the translator faces difficulties in translating verbal or nonverbal, conscious or unconscious skills.

*      The strategy is the implementation of mechanisms to achieve a goal.

*      Set of actions that develop a project.
*      It is the personal stamp with the translator performs an activity. Among the techniques you can use the translators are: transposition, modulation, equivalence, adaptation, omission or composition.

*      Is the ability or capacity to make use of resources.

*      It is the interpretation of the strategies.

By: Sergio David 

Is a way something is done.
Usually requires some sort of planning
Is a procedure or skill for completing a specific task.
Is used for routine tasks
Used when faced with a new situation
Is a tool used to obtain an immediate goal.
Is the group of procedures that explain something.
A plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim.


By: Angy Plata

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